Exosomes for Hair Loss Treatment in West Hills CA

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Exosomes Hair loss

Exosomes are extracellular vesicles that are produced by mesenchymal stem cells, which are involved in cell communication. Other cells react to the messaging signals from the exosomes and will change their behavior accordingly. Scientists are now able to isolate and deliver these beneficial signalers directly rather than the stem cells themselves.

Exosomes are isolated from donated human amniotic mesenchymal stem cells and purified using proprietary processing. The unique benefit of these exosomes is that they are stem cell-derived and bring a wide array of growth factors. Because they’re so small and nimble, exosomes can remain hidden in the bloodstream and carry multiple doses of proteins across barriers that cells are not able to cross.

Exosomes Hair Loss FAQs

  • What is exosome therapy for hair loss?

    Using microneedling exosomes and growth factors has been clinically shown to help regenerate and regrow hair as a treatment for hair loss in both men and women in the earlier stages of hair loss.

    Exosomes aren’t stem cells, per se. Instead, they are the building blocks of such. They generate within their cells of origin if the multivesicular body fuses with the cell membrane, thereby releasing intraluminal vesicles as exosomes. These small cellular products contain both RNA and, even of greater importance, mRNA, the initiator of protein manufacturing.

    These protein building blocks’ roles are dependent on their cell of origin. Many act as signalers for bodily functions, such as coagulation, as well as cellular growth to facilitate those bodily functions. Such signaling and growth factors, studies currently show, are a result of the exosome’s origin. Near all, however, have a number of useful growth factors/signalers:

    ● MIP-1: A recruiter of mononuclear cells.

    ● VEGF: A stimulator to encourage blood vessel formation.

    ● SCF: An encourager of stem cell and melanocyte growth.

    ● FGF: A growth factor that signals cells to encourage biological development.

    ● TGFß3: A gene variant that, among other things, converts inflammatory T Cells into anti-inflammatory T-Cells.

  • How long does it take to see results from exosome therapy for hair loss?

    Exosome therapy may begin promoting natural hair growth in as little as two to three months. New hair growth can continue over the course of a year, with the most noticeable results usually being seen six months after treatment has been administered.

  • How long do I have to wait before another session of exosome therapy for hair loss?

    We typically recommend waiting three months after the last treatment to re-evaluate and before potentially performing another treatment of exosome injections if it is necessary.

  • How are the exosomes processed, and are they safe to use?

    We use exosomes that are procured and processed in the United States according to standards and regulations established by the American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB) and the United States Food & Drug Administration (FDA). All of the donors are in the United States.

    Donor ethics and non-reactive FDA-approved serological screening include:

    ● Donor consent prior to collections.

    ● HBsAg (Hepatitis B Surface Antigen).

    ● HBcAb (Hepatitis B core Antibody).

    ● HCV (Hepatitis C Antibody).

    ● HIV 1/11-Ab (HIV Nucleic Acid Test).

    ● HCV NAt (HCV Nucleic Acid Test.

    Each package contains a sheet documenting all of the passed tests.

  • How many exosomes are in each vial?

    For hair loss, we utilize 200 plus billion exosomes per vial. We have found that a 200 billion exosome product is more than sufficient to regenerate hair growth.

  • How are exosome treatments different from PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) treatments?

    PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, begins with centrifuging the patient’s blood in order to concentrate the growth factors and platelets naturally present in the body. The drawback of using PRP is it does not provide any stem cells or exosomes because as we age, our bodies contain fewer and fewer stem cells in our blood. In addition to age being a factor, the patient’s health is also very critical to the quality of PRP harvested.

  • How long do exosomes last in your body?

    Exosomes are present 6 to 8 months after the final treatment.

  • Do exosomes prolong the hair growth cycle?

    Yes, exosomes do prolong the hair growth cycle. Hair follicles stuck in the telogen phase (resting phase) convert to the anagen (growth phase) and prolong the cycle of such.

    This is of critical benefit; as with every part of our body, hair follicles age. Different than many cells, however, follicular cells age with each cycle of growth. It typically requires decades, but as follicular cells enter and leave each phase, they begin to change. Miniaturization, or the shrinking and growing brittleness of hair strands, initiates. From there, without treatment, hair strands continue shrinking after each telogen phase until growth completely ceases.

    Many hair care products and treatments help prolong hair growth. Few, though, are as capable as exosomes. The hair growth cycle remains intact longer while hair strands become thicker and healthier.

  • Can the patient take NSAIDS?

    No. It is ideal for the patient to stop taking NSAIDS for 72 hours prior to the injection and for four days after. NSAIDS will NOT destroy the injected cells, but they can potentially lessen the effects.

  • What preparation do I need for the day of the procedure?

    Patients are advised to:

    ● Drink a lot of fluid one day prior to the procedure.

    ● Have breakfast the morning of their procedure.

    ● Avoid Aspirin, Naproxen, Ibuprofen, and other NSAIDs 3 days prior to the procedure and three weeks after the procedure.

  • Are there any restrictions after the procedure?

    The only restriction is to avoid aspirin, naproxen, ibuprofen, and other NSAIDs for three weeks following the procedure. Following the procedure, you may go home and shower. Be aware the treated area may be tender. Many patients return to work or their daily routine the same day.

  • Can I combine exosome therapy with other hair loss modalities?

    Absolutely! We recommend patients use Nutrafol Supplements, Propecia, Finasteride or Minoxidil in conjunction with exosome therapy for hair loss.

  • Can exosomes be used for Alopecia Areata?

    Yes. Clinical and anecdotal results have shown tremendous efficacy when exosome therapy is utilized.

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